GAIL [Generative AI Library]
OPPORTUNITY – Broad public engagement with AI tools can attract a diverse community to focus on how AI can be used in “projects for good.”
NEED – Generative AI experimentation is producing a vast amount of public domain visual art, music, and written material (ranging from outstanding to trash) that needs to be made accessible.
PROBLEM – Lots of AI experimentation is occurring with no systematic way to organize resources produced and make them accessible.
OUR SOLUTION – GAIL [Generative AI Library]tm will make a wealth of public domain material available to creatives, fostering community dialogue about how AI can address 21st century challenges and reduce risks. CIRIS [Collaborative Intelligence Reasoning & Inference System]tm (patent pending) offers a way to organize this material so users can find resources for their projects – a first step toward developing a global problem-solving ecosystem @
METHOD – The hybrid AI engine that powers GAIL [Generative AI Library]tm will use a crowd-sourced tagging and recommender system that enables members not only to search public domain AI resources but also to assess, catalogue, comment, rate, tag, and vote on resources for GAIL [Generative AI Library]tm. In this way our hybrid AI system integrates human pattern recognition and needs assessment in an evolving machine learning system.
SERVICE – crowdsourcing a diverse global community to use our Hybrid Human–AI Recommender System (patent pending) called CIRIS [Collaborative Intelligence Reasoning and Inference System] (trademark has issued – APPLE withdrew their opposition).
SIGNIFICANCE and PARADIGM SHIFT – Story-telling & freedom of speech can spark debate and critical thinking where each person’s experience, eye-witness news, opinion, project update, story cannot be thrown out as “misinformation” – diversity deserves a hearing.
Fake news to generate business or win votes, and misinformation mud-slinging, are hallmarks of a polarized society, e.g. Fox News’ confession of lying with their “stolen election story.”
Range of Prizes up to $100,000 (Grand Prix) – top prize winners may be awarded contracts
AUDIO – Music and/or Spoken
VISUAL – Still and/or Animated
WRITTEN – Fiction and/or Non-fiction
We want to see great examples of human–AI collaboration in
•Fiction for Action in the audio, visual, and written arts, and
• Global Challenges across science, engineering, and the arts.
Click one of the five categories below where your entry fits best.
Tag your submission(s) by clicking the icons below
Use the chart with the round icons to tag your entry: click as many icons as relate to your entry. Your entry receives points for relevance to multiple categories, but it loses points if you randomly click irrelevant categories, wasting the time of our human jurors.
Character – Unique Voices
$70 annual membership to
- Join the discussion and vote on catalyzer winners in each format
- Submit your own entries ($20 processing fee per entry)
- Enter the private portal, which opens to submit on [date].